
2023 Malaysian Junior Squash Open Results Released

2023 年馬來西亞青少年壁球公開賽結果出爐。

The "2023 Malaysia Junior Squash Open" held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for six consecutive days (December 5 to December 10, 2023) came to a perfect conclusion. The women's team of Taiwan's representative team competed for the second time this year, and the men's team competed for the third time. The performance of the players has improved significantly compared with previous years. I wish the seeded players will continue to improve their skills in the coming year and shine in the future.

Match Results

U19 Boys:第 25 名黃少莆 第 29 名李宗翰 第 33 名徐昇祥

U17 Boys:第 33 名陳友友 第 81 名彭紹謙

U17 Girls:第 32 名張世沛

I believe that with the cooperation of resources, Taiwan's squash players will be able to achieve great results in the Asian and even international competitions in the future.




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