
2023 Taipei City Beitou District Chairman’s Cup Squash Championship Results are Out.

The 2023 Taipei Beitou District Chairman's Cup Squash Championship" held for two consecutive days (December 16th to December 17th) at the Beitou Sports Center in Taipei City came to a perfect conclusion.

The 2023 Taipei Beitou District Chairman's Cup Squash Championship" held for two consecutive days (December 16th to December 17th) at the Beitou Sports Center in Taipei City came to a perfect conclusion. Chen Minlin from Taipei University of Marine Science and Technology faced international squash player Fayaz Khan and still won the championship, which is worthy of celebration.


國小女子組:冠軍吳盈萱 亞軍劉安郡 季軍陳品瑜 殿軍林佳潔

國小男子組:冠軍鄭宇翔 亞軍廖東瑃 季軍吳祈叡 殿軍張泰維

女子新人組:冠軍潘奕彤 亞軍潘薇伃 季軍劉奕欣 殿軍李貝妤

公開E組:冠軍吳昱緯 亞軍許維國 季軍魏品菁 殿軍莊惟捷

公開D組:冠軍張柏凱 亞軍劉浚宇 季軍王辰羽 殿軍方彥詞

公開 C 組:冠軍李祐成 亞軍王翌丞 季軍蘇柏諺 殿軍張槿玟

公開B 組:冠軍林育麒 亞軍徐昇祥 季軍莊士槿 殿軍孫立強 (Daniel Sansoni)

公開A組:冠軍 陳玟霖 亞軍Fayaz Khan 季軍李嘉洲 殿軍黃暐婷


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