22nd Asian Squash Individual Championships 2023 Results Are Out

22nd Asian Squash Individual Championships 2023 Results Are Out.

The 22nd Asian Squash Individual Championships 2023, which was held in Hong Kong for five days (June 6 to June 10, 2023), came to a successful conclusion. Taiwan's men's team competed for the third time this year and the women's team for the second time, and the players showed significant improvement compared to previous years. We wish the seed players will continue to improve their skills in the coming year and shine in the future.

Results (Extracted)

Boy's Division:第24名陳玟霖 第30名魏志宇

Girl's Division:第24名李怡萱 第30名鄭毓蓁 第31名王媛


Boy's Division:亞軍黃諒宇 第三名潘紹宇

We believe that with the support of resources, Taiwan's squash players will be able to achieve good results in Asian and even international competitions in the future.

For more detailed match analysis, please visit the ROC Squash Association's Match Reports and Post-Match Improvement Suggestions.



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