
National Taiwan University Sports Center Rewards Members Squash Invitational Tournament Open for Registration

The National Taiwan University Sports Center Rewarding Member Squash Invitational Tournament (referred to as the National Taiwan University Cup) will be held on May 18. Public registration is open from now on.

The National Taiwan University Sports Center Rewarding Member Squash Invitational Tournament (referred to as the National Taiwan University Cup) will be held on May 18. Public registration is open from now on. If you love squash, don’t miss it!

To register, please fill out this online form. After completion, you can check to confirm your registration eligibility.

On-campus group:
On-campus individual group A (faculty and students, regardless of gender)
On-campus men’s individual group B (staff & students, participating in squash within 1 year)
On-campus Girls Individual Group A (Staff & Students)
On-campus women’s individual group B (staff & students, participating in squash within 1 year)
Gym membership group:
Group A for individual members (no gender limit, maximum 16 people)
Member men's individual open group B (Participating in the Zhongzheng Cup or Youth Cup men's group B and C players, maximum 16 players)
Member women's individual open group A (registration for women's group A and B participating in the Zhongzheng Cup or Youth Cup, maximum 16 players)
Member women's individual open group B (Participating in the Zhongzheng Cup or Youth Cup women's group C, D players registration, maximum 16 people)

Competition method
(1) Each person is limited to one group, and cross-group participation is not allowed.
(2) Rules: The World Squash Federation (WSF) singles competition rules will be adopted.
(3) Competition format: single elimination, best of three, direct scoring system with 11 points in each game. If 10:10, one side must score 2 consecutive points with the right to serve to win the game.

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