
Taoyuan Luzhu National Sports Center Squash Courses from March to April

Registration for various courses at Taoyuan Luzhu National Sports Center has officially started.

Taoyuan Luzhu National Sports Center Squash Courses from March to April

Registration for various courses at Taoyuan Luzhu National Sports Center has officially started. From February 11 to February 29, both new and old students can enjoy a 50% discount when registering. Everyone who is interested in getting into squash or improving their skills in the coming year is welcome. Don't miss it!
In addition, if you register in person at the counter on December 31st, you can enjoy the following additional discounts:

The same person registers for three or more courses: 12% discount
The same person registers for two or more courses: 10% discount

Taoyuan Luzhu National Sports Center will offer multiple squash courses from January to February next year, divided into individual classes with professional coaches and single experience classes. Course fees are NT$450-NT$12,000. Please see the course leaflet for more details.

If you want to register online, please download the APP: APPLE | google play

Official Website: http://www.lzsports.com.tw/zh_TW/index
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luzhusports/?utm_source=website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luzhusports/

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